Jones Beef Knee Caps for Dogs

Beef Knuckles for Dogs

Beef knuckles for dogs – are they right for your dog? We'll look at several factors today.

  • Size of your dog
  • Splintering factor
  • Additives
  • Allergies
  • Teeth sensitivity

If you're wondering why, given any factors, you should give your dogs bones, they provide excellent dental benefits, as well as great satisfaction for dogs.

Size Matters

Jones Natural Chews has been producing beef knuckles – and beef bones in general – for dogs for thirty years. But did you know that there are a variety of knuckle sizes? The one in this photo, a Saddle Knuckle, is huge, designed for medium to large size dogs.

Beef Knuckles for Dogs from Jones Natural Chews
Jones Natural Chews loves making dogs smile

Covered in beefy bits, big dogs are ecstatic to find a bone made just for them!

Beef Knuckles for Dogs from Jones Natural Chews

But Jones also carries two knuckle bones made for smaller dogs – the Knee Bone (also perfect for teething puppies), and the Top Crest Bone. So if you're looking for a beef knuckle for your dog, we have beef knuckles for dogs of every size.

Splintering Factor

There are three important elements when it comes to splintering factor in bones, and one is specific to Jones Natural Chews.

  1. Jones bones are baked, not smoked. Smoking a bone causes brittleness, increasing the tendency to splinter. Splintering is bad, as the sharp shards can lodge in a dog's intestines. Jones not only bakes their bones, we introduce moisture during the process to ensure that the bone is as close to raw strength as possible, while still being free from bacteria and having a longer shelf life than raw.
  2. Structure of the bone. Some bones are more prone to splintering just because of how they're designed. Bones tend to either be long and straight, like a femur or center bone, or rounded, like a knuckle or knee cap. The internal structure of a rounded bone is sturdier, decreasing the chances of splintering.
  3. Species – splintering of a bone definitely hinges on which animal it comes from. Jones recommends that pork or lamb bones, regardless of whether it's a femur or shank, be given only to small dogs and non-aggressive chewers. For medium to large size dogs, only beef bones will do. Beef knuckles for dogs are one of the sturdiest bones we produce.


Some companies add things to their bones, I guess. I don't know exactly why. Jones Natural Chews adds only one ingredient, and that only to some of our bones – natural liquid smoke. It gives a meaty bone an added layer of scent, which drives dogs wild. All natural, you'll make your dog happy with a Jones bone.

Beef Knuckles for Dogs from Jones Natural Chews


This has zero to do with any company which produces bones for dogs, either raw, baked or smoked. It has everything to do with your dog. Is it allergic to beef? Pork? Chicken? Venison? If your dog has an allergy to beef, don't give it beef bones. It's that simple.

Teeth Sensitivity

Another factor which can't be helped by treat manufacturers is teeth sensitivity. If your dog has sensitive teeth and is an aggressive chewer, it may be prone to cracking teeth. If so, then bones aren't right for your dog. Allow me to suggest Jones Lamb Lung Puffs, or our Tender Taffy, instead. Either one will make your dog smile without putting that handsome smile at risk.

Beef Knuckles for Dogs from Jones Natural Chews
Making dogs smile – it's what Jones does best

Sum Up

Now that you know more, will you give your own dog a beef knuckle from Jones Natural Chews? I've yet to meet a dog which doesn't love our beef knuckles for dogs, as long as I give them one which is sized for them. Sugar approves. And won't leave her own beef knuckle.

Beef Knuckles for Dogs from Jones Natural Chews


And because we love you and your dog, Jones is giving some lucky dog it's own beef knuckle, dog's choice of which. Y'know, unless your dog is either allergic to beef or has sensitive teeth, in which case we can work something out. Otherwise, I just know that your dog will love the beef knuckles for dogs. Simply click this sentence, scroll down, in the new window, to the contest box, click and read! It'll tell you to comment, then click the button. Pretty simple stuff. All for your dog. Worth a couple of clicks to make your dog smile, eh?

Y'all come back, now. And give your dog a Jones Natural Chew.

Spreading the good chews …



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